- The next WCA General Meeting will be held on 12 October, 2023 at 7PM in the library of the Nottingham Elementary School. An agenda will be posted soon, and will include an update to the WCA Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Committee merger with Arlington Families for Safe Streets.
- The Neighborhood Conservation Plan, dated 2/1/17, can be found here.
- Please pay your dues. The civic association is running low on funds. Only about 10% of households in the civic association are current with their dues. Dues are $10 per household. Please fill out this form and send it with your check, payable to "Williamsburg Civic Association," to our treasurer, Karen Lundy (6306 35th St N, Arlington, VA 22213). You may also pay dues at meetings.
- Consider joining our e-mail distribution list: If you have not done so already, please join our e-mail distribution list, which is hosted on Google Groups. Instructions for joining can be found on this page. This is a great way for us to communicate with each other. Once you join the group, anyone can post a message or respond to a post. As of Dec. 2021, we have about 80 members.